
Sunday, November 9, 2014

SCBWI - Kansas 2014 Fall Conference

SCBWI – Kansas 2014 Fall Conference

I feel like I imagine other writers feel after a day of exposing your dreams and fears – depleted and energized at the same time. As a person who spends countless hours working alone, voluntarily jumping into a large field of people and then forcing intentional “reach outs” to strangers is exhausting. However, all of this is mitigated by the fact that this “field of people” is a kind and understanding group. Plus, there is comfort knowing that most of the other “introverts” feel the exact same way.

Gratitude is what I walked away with most though. Grateful to be part of this group, grateful I have terrific critiques of my work and grateful for a new day to restore my energy to keep working away at a craft I love.

Feeling like you belong to a cause that is bigger than yourself is awe-inspiring and empowering - writing for children.

***Thanks to Sue Gallion and the whole volunteer staff at the SCBWI Kansas group. Plus, thanks to Jennifer Mattson, Heather Alexander, Karen Grencik, Jennifer Brown, Bridget Heos, Brett Wright, Brad Sneed and Sharon Draper for the useful advice and guidance.